preqon Neuroscience and computer science graduate from the University of Sydney. Seeking opportunities in R&D teams in neurotechnology.

Spiking neural network for detecting speech emotion


  1. Became interested in spiking neural networks (SNN) for the opportunities they offer in the real-time processing of continuous-time signals1.
  2. Read a few papers on spiking neural networks for speech classification as well as audio-to-spike encoding schemes.
  3. Implemented a completely biologically-plausible audio-to-spike encoding. For me, the advantage to using a biologically plausible method is that processing can now be done in real-time as the signal appears. Which happens to be how our ears work, but not how common digital audio processing methods work.
  4. Implemented a spiking neural network with a basic plasticity rule “from scratch” (using numpy). This was because available SNN libraries (e.g. NEST, snnTorch) seemed either too complex (intended for modelling physiology) or used deep learning methods that defeat my goal of real-time processing of a continuous signal.
  5. Trained a Support Vector Machine to map readouts of the SNN to emotion labels.
  6. So far, accuracy is only slightly better than random chance ;_;.
  7. Currently looking for possible bugs + ways to improve the network’s architecture.

Skills gained

Longer description

The deeper reason I became interested in training an SNN is that I suspect neuromorphics will be used in future brain-computer-interfaces.

Hold on, what is a spiking neural network, and what are neuromorphics?


  1. By “continuous-time signals” I mean a signal that can be sampled at any point in continuous time.